The Karuna Reiki Practitioner - Master Training class is for anyone who has taken Reiki Master Training at least 6 months prior to taking Karuna. The 3-day program includes two levels, three attunements, four Master symbols and eight additional treatment symbols. You will be able to teach all four levels of Karuna Reiki®, two practitioner levels and two master levels. Lots of practice time is included in giving treatments, learning more about the twelve symbols in a practical way, and learning to give attunements. Each symbol has a healing focus. Multiple meditations will be practiced including work in healing our shadow selves, those parts of us we hide even from ourselves. Chanting and toning modalities will be offered for deeper healing opportunities.
A brief description of the four Karuna® I symbols is given here:
The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on a cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to break up the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding. The Karuna II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.
Many who have had the Karuna® Attunments say that they have had experiences with their Higher Self, Angels, and Guides.
“I found this course to be profoundly life changing. When I became a Karuna Reiki Master I felt like I had come home. The healing tools provided surpassed anything I could have previously imagined.”
Sounds wonderful right?
The class requires an investment of $1,025.00 for first time participants. You can save your spot by signing up with a $400 non-refundable deposit. Full payment and/or remainder is due at the latest 3 weekdays before class starts. If you have already attended this level of Reiki and wish to re-visit the class, you can participate for 50% off provided you submit your original certificate with sign up (just send a copy of your certificate via email, please don´t forget your full contact details).
Register for this class by signing up below: