If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that self care, making sure we are grounded, centered and connected with ourselves is essential. Life can be challenging as it is, if outside circumstances add stress and uncertainty to the extend we are experiencing now, we have to take care of ourselves.

Even under the best of circumstances, one of the biggest challenges we all face is the distance between knowing and doing what is good for us. Often, we shame and blame ourselves for what we don’t do, even though we know better. We wonder why we can’t seem to move past what feels like self-sabotage, not considering that we may have inherited, dysfunctional family loyalty programs or inherited emotions and limiting believes that have sometimes been with us since childhood. The emotional frequency we vibrate on, what we think, and what we feel, subconsciously attracts and creates our reality. If people ignore this, they end up experiencing feelings of anxiousness and sadness, often they get depressed for what seems to be “for no reason”. Eventually, they will start start judging and blaming themselves, and being mad at themselves because they cannot get out. From there, the rabbit whole just becomes deeper. At that point, the biggest question my clients ask themselves is:

“What’s wrong with me?”

Clearing those limiting believes, removing those blocks, creating and following through with a daily routine, exploring and understanding our triggers, parenting our inner child and learning how to reduce and manage stress can make all the difference and turn our lives around in the most beautiful, unexpected ways.

We experience what we project into the world based on what we think and how we feel. Can you image the change we can create in our lives once we start to truly love ourselves?

I started doing this work 15 years ago when I was at a point in my life where I was dangerously close to dying. I did not know what self-love meant. I did not understand self-care or why it is important. I did not understand how to set healthy boundaries and I was always struggling with my relationships - family, friends and even at work. Patterns seemed to repeat themselves. I was constantly mad at myself and putting myself down without recognizing it. I needed to learn how to put myself first. I have been gathering these tools for myself and my children when I had to make a choice whether I was going to stay here on this planet or not. Self Love is so hugely important. What is it why we are here? How do you reach a point where joy is bigger than sadness? It took me years of research and study working with clients in a broad range of venues, teaching adaptive physical education, studying human development and the ages and stages when things happen to people. I researched family dynamics extensively and what it looks like based on the age and stage something happened. What I have found, has influenced and created this program. I am so happy to share these insights with you.
— April Walker

The top 5 signs you don’t love yourself:

You often say yes when you actually want to say “no”.

You often feel you are a peacemaker and a people pleaser.

You feel unworthy, undervalued, or undeserving.

You focus on your flaws and imperfections and forget your positive traits.

You have an incredible amount of negative self-talk and you apologize - A LOT.

“Self Love 365 has been a life changing commitment to my life. We looked at boundaries, triggers, and heart walls which was life changing inner work for me. There were so many strategies and tools that were offered and taught. It was an amazing learning experience with an exceptional amount of content plus daily Reiki energy. These lessons are becoming a way of life. I see so many more possibilities for an energizing, rewarding life”.
— Becky W.

If you want to discover what it really means to truly, wholeheartedly and unconditionally love yourself and turn your live around, if you want to experience a transformational journey toward healing self, feeling better than ever before and be part of a group of wonderful people who you’ll be connected with for the rest of your life, join my exclusive 12 months self-love program:

365 is a year long, comprehensive online healing journey on SELF LOVE, designed to help you to discover and re-calibrate the most important relationship you have in your life: The one with you.

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Change your life from the comfort of your home:

Starting strong on Jan, 1st of 2021, 365 is designed to connect you to a community of outstanding people who are ready to take their lives to the next level. Over the course of an entire year, you will get daily Reiki blessing energy, regular online group coaching and group energy healing sessions, you’ll receive insights, and exercises on self-love, self-care and self-respect. We will dive deep into how to set healthy boundaries. Every month, you'll receive a personal clearing to keep your vibration high through this incredible transformation process in addition to personal 1:1 sessions via zoom and/or phone. Joining this program, you will have a group that has your back, where you will build connections and community that will last for a lifetime.

What is in the program?

Every month, we will work on specific key areas that are crucial to changing your relationship with yourself. You will be assigned a partner who holds you accountable with your goals and will call you out on your *BS. You will receive a vast amount of valuable information, insights, tools and methods on how to love, accept and respect yourself that you haven’t been taught in school (but should have been!!) In addition to 3 x private 1:1 sessions (each 50 minutes) with me, you will have 4 LIVE group energy healing Q&A sessions that you will have access to all year around. Every month, you will receive a 30 minute distant Energy Treatment with an email report at conclusion of session. 365 also includes a personal HeartWall removal.

At the beginning of the program, we will determine the specific things you would like to work on and the goals you will strive to achieve through the year of 2021.

The total value of the entire program is more than $ 8,250 (but don’t worry, I have created a special offer for you)

Once you have joined 365, you will experience:

A new level of Increased confidence and improved boundaries, better quality of relationships, you will feel seen, heard and much more comfortable with yourself. Increased joy & happiness in your daily life.

A new sense of self, a deeper connection with your authentic truth and a more balanced life.

Are you ready to discover your true potential, and break free from what has been holding you back? Join April and other beautiful souls in this year long, live changing program:

If you are ready to break free from what has been holding you back and invest in yourself to dive deep, to discover your true, real worthiness and begin letting that reflect into your life in 2021, this program is for you. Sign up below and find out if this the the right choice at the right time for you.

(We have limited spots available).

I wish you days filled with joy, laughter and happiness.

Love, April.


“The class has exceeded my expectations for the relevant worksheets and individual comments. For example, when I expressed difficulty with sleeping/relaxing /meditating, April immediately gave concrete suggestions and actually walked me through some breathing/relaxation exercises that were very helpful. It’s a great feeling knowing I’m receiving Reiki daily and the feedback/info from the monthly sessions has been shocking and valuable because otherwise these areas would not have been addressed yet (I would have targeted other areas in my personal life/sessions). Thanks April!!!”
— Beth H.

Beth Hamilton, Modesto, CA